World Methodist
Evangelism Institute

L. Wesley de Souza
Director of the Institute
The Rev. Dr. L. Wesley de Souza teaches in the areas of theology, leadership, mission and evangelism, spirituality, and church revitalization at Candler, where he has been a faculty member since 2005. He was instrumental in developing the new course Religion, Culture, Society, and Mission in Latin America, a real-time, long distance class between Candler and the school of theology at Methodist University of São Paulo, Brazil.
He is also the coordinator of the Formation and Witness concentration as part of the Master of Divinity degree program, a member of the International Studies Committee, an instructor with the Course of Study School at Emory and serves as faculty advisor for the Candler Society for Multiracial Congregations and the Candler International Students Society. In 2017, he accepted a position as the Director of the World Methodist Evangelism Institute.
de Souza’s research focuses on contextualization of the Gospel, renewal and revitalization of the church, classical Pentecostalism and Pan-Wesleyanism in Latin America. He has contributed to numerous books and scholarly publications and serves on the editorial advisory boards for The Asbury Journal and Caminhando magazine.
Paul Capps
Program Coordinator
In addition to WMEI, Rev. Paul Capps is Manager of Faculty Support Services for Candler School of Theology. He is your first point of contact for any questions about WMEI and can be reached at pcapps@emory.edu.